While the year was great and we had a lot of highs there were some pieces that didn’t get the attention that they truly deserved due to Loonwatch not being as well known at the time.
Here are a list of 10 pieces you may have missed but shouldn’t have, also take a look through our archives for any past articles:
Douglas Farah’s Delusional Delight

Douglas Farah
Doug, yet another so-called “investigative consultant” tries to link U.S. Muslim orgs to planet Zorbex, that global superpower operating in perfect coordination yet total secrecy to sneak in an evil empire.
M.Cherif Bassiouni Rips Fake Scholar Robert Spencer

Cherif Bassiouni
Robert Spencer, and his proxies such as Hugh Fitzgerald fail miserably trying to character assassinate M. Cherif Bassiouni, read them get ripped in the process.
Update: Robert Spencer Whines and Wimpers after being Exposed

Robert Spencer: Exposed
Update: Robert Spencer cries “bloody censorship” after he is exposed and the ALA canceled his near platform to spout anti-Muslimisms.
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield’s Double Speak

Rabbi Brad Hirschfield
Rabbi Hirschfield seems like a good guy but on his blog he bizarrely criticizes Muslim objections to an anti-Muslim hate film he himself trashes, as “crying wolf.”
ADL Contradicts its Goals by Supporting Fascist
Abe Foxman’s support of Avigdor Lieberman is quite troubling for a number of reasons, most glaringly for its contradiction to the goals preached by the ADL.
Tawfik Hamid: The Shemp of the Three Stooges

Tawfik Hamid
Previously we wrote about the Three Stooges of Islamophobia: Walid Shoebat, Zachariah Anani, and Kamal Saleem but we forgot about Shemp — Tawfik Hamid.
Steven Emerson likes to pass himself off as a gumshoe Investigative Journalist but his antics reveal that he is a poor imitation of Inspector Gadget.
Update: Freedumb of Speech Summit-Defenders of Delusion
The Freedumb of Speech Summit descended into a predictable Hate Summit, but were you expecting otherwise?
Spate of Islamophobic Gang Attacks on Elderly Muslims of London

Three year old girl, traumatized from watching her grandfather’s brutal murder
A spate of racially motivated gang attacks against Muslims culminate in the death of a sixty-seven year old man, who was clubbed to death in front of his now traumatized granddaughter.
Fascist Leaves Daniel Pipes “Elated”

Avigdor Lieberman
Lieberman’s extreme world view and rhetoric has left observers around the world, including many Israelis, shocked and frightened. Not so, Daniel Pipes. Lieberman has him “elated.”
And here is a free bonus since Rabbi Hirschfield, while having a loonie moment, does not qualify as a loon in our books:
Robert Spencer: Teaming up with Euro-Supremacists Again
Robert Spencer, erstwhile ally of neo-Fascists, friend to advocates of genocide, and all around anti-Muslim is once again basking in the light of his own, made up self-importance.
This time it centers around his recent trip to Germany where he gave a speech at a rally in Berlin.