Tarek Fatah displays the epitome of what Frantz Fanon called the “colonized mind.”

Tarek Fatah displays the epitome of what Frantz Fanon called the “colonized mind.”
Spencer says there is video of Fatah “praising his work.”
What next for Islamophobia enabling Muslims after the NYPD disbands the “demographic unit” they so enthusiastically advocated? Spying through undercovers and paid informants will continue.
The union representing Ontario’s elementary school teachers is coming under fire for running an anti-Islamophobia workshop as part of a series of seminars on how to teach students about equality.
Charlatan alert: Tarek Fatah accuses Professor Ramadan of “using our Labour Day weekend to propagate the Muslim Brotherhood credo of ‘destroying the West from within’.”
In a not too distant future these self-hating loons will also be saying, “please, please, somebody intern me!”