Hatred against Jews and hatred against Muslims have a lot in common. One thing in particular is that throughout history Jews and Muslims have been accused of being prone to criminality, rape and violence. The Nazis in the 30’s did so and many antisemites still today spread the lie. The exact same kind of lies […]
Tag Archives | Rape

Trump, Fox News and Swedish Crime Statistics
On Saturday Donald Trump justified the Immigration Ban with talk about an “incident” in Sweden the day before.

Is Sweden Invaded by “Muslim Rapists?”
Is Sweden the “rape capital” of the world, as Breitbart and islamophobes worldwide claims? The facts.

The New York Times’ ISIS Rape Story and the Islamophobic Lie Machine
Many trying to conflate ISIS’ beliefs as “the correct Islam.”

Mordechai Kedar Joined Geller and Spencer At Pro-Israel, Anti-Muslim Rally
Kedar recently made headlines arguing that Palestinian women should be raped to prevent attacks on Israel.

Harry’s Place Contributor Says Rape Isn’t That Bad
Islamophobe and Harry’s Place contributor Andy Hughes says rape isn’t that bad.

Orientalist Feminism Rears its Head in India
Can the West save brown women from brown men?

Wingnut Islamophobes Create Another Hoax Story: Muslims Rape Horse
Islamophobic sites have been posting and regurgitating a story claiming that a 53-year-old ‘Muslim’ inhabitant of El Ejido abused, and raped a female horse

Daily Mail Continues to Publish Inflammatory Headlines
The wholesale misattribution of the criminal conduct of these men to Islam fits a long pattern of Islamophobic reporting at the Daily Mail.

Amina Filali: Moroccan ‘Rape Marriage Law’ Highlights Worldwide Problem
The misattribution of such cases to Sharia’ and Islam is part of the well-worn anti-Muslim demonization war.

Yossi Gurvitz: IDF Colonel-Rabbi Implies Rape is Permitted in War
Answering a question from a concerned reader regarding the Torah’s position on rape during war, Colonel Eyal Qarim of the Military Rabbinate wrote that ‘prohibitions against immorality’ are removed during war.

UK: Daily Mail Conflates Violent Criminal’s Actions with Islam
Daily Mail almost always stoops to sensationalist headlines when reporting a story involving Muslims.

Arab Jailed for Having Sex with Israeli Woman
Discrimination is rife in Israel, but this is one of the weirdest cases so far. An Arab man had consensual sex with a Jewish woman and has now been convicted of rape.