Alex Morton, housing adviser to the former Prime Minister David Cameron now pushes “Clash of Civilizations” war against Muslims in the West.

Alex Morton, housing adviser to the former Prime Minister David Cameron now pushes “Clash of Civilizations” war against Muslims in the West.
A second soldier has been arrested for allegedly planning a “false flag” terror attack to be blamed on refugees in Germany amid fears of a wider neo-Nazi network within the army.
Steve Bannon revealed that he views Joe McCarthy as a hero. Today the “Muslims, are the new “Communists” that are witch-hunted.
Protecting women’s rights in post-revolution Tunisia.
Islam(ism) exposes the failure and deep morass of progressive thought.
Marianne’s embrace of right-wing talking points and the best way to respond to Islamophobia.
It was once a simple dream that breathed life into the hope-starved spirits of so many.
In case you missed the point, the cartoon puts one of the holiest phrases in Islam–”Allah Akbar,” or “God is great”–in the mouth of a Nazi skeleton.
A film that will be shown at the National September 11 Memorial Museum when it opens next month unfairly links Islam and terrorism, clergy members said in letters demanding it be changed.
Blair’s simplistic formula for tackling radical Islam is leading him to support some of the most oppressive forces in the region.
What changed and looking ahead to the uncertain future.
The role of Islam, external interventions and the dynamics of sectarianism in the unfolding chain of events known as the Arab uprisings.
A remarkable achievement that is being universally praised shatters age-old myths about Arab and Muslim societies and serves as an example for the region.