A must watch video on the difference between Jeremy Corbyn and the war criminal Tony Blair.
Tag Archives | Britain
BNP Posts Jo Cox ‘Muslim’ Slur As Racist Attacks Soar
The White supremacist BNP pushes disgusting, Islamophobic leaflet about slain MP Jo Cox.
Bottles Of Alcohol Thrown At Mosque Windows As People Pray Inside
A mosque in High Wycombe has been targeted in a “racist hate attack.”
Mother of “cucumber, not cooker bomb” toddler, in her own words
A British Muslim mother was called in for a meeting by her 4-year-old son’s nursery informing her that her son had been referred to a ‘de-radicalisation’ program.
Schools Monitoring Pupils’ Web Use With ‘Anti-radicalisation Software’
Software flags up trigger words and phrases such as ‘jihadi bride’, ‘jihobbyist’ and ‘you only die once’
Jews And Muslims: It’s Complicated (III)
The impact of enlightenment, European anti-Semitism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Mehdi Hasan Owns David Starkey On BBC Question Time
How did Starkey get a phD in History when he is an utter buffoon?
Britain: Norwich Mosque Attacked
“It is not nice to feel scared in a place of peace.”
Phony Terrorism Expert “Steven Emerson” Manages To Get All Of England Laughing At Him
Steven Emerson lampooned for ridiculous comments about Birmingham and British Muslims.
UK Counter-Terrorism Law Calls On Citizens To Be On The Look Out For “Toddler Terror”
“Mamma, dadda, ga ga…where’s my bomb..goo goo?”
British Muslims Face Worst Job Discrimination of Any Minority Group
Job discrimination may be a factor in why some Muslims feel alienated from British society.
UKIP geniuses couldn’t tell a Cathedral from a Mosque, Twitter hilarity ensues.
United Kingdom: Man Gets Light Sentence For Assault on Niqabi, Muslim Woman Attacked For Wearing Hijab
Recent incidences of violent assaults on women wearing the veil in the UK.