Aymann Fadel: I’ll listen to atheists’ thoughtful criticism of Muslims but I won’t listen to them if they also support violations of Muslims’ human rights.

Aymann Fadel: I’ll listen to atheists’ thoughtful criticism of Muslims but I won’t listen to them if they also support violations of Muslims’ human rights.
Two women judges from Selangor have been appointed to the Shariah High Court, a first in Malaysia.
The more religious Australian Muslims are, the greater their sense of civic duty and of belonging to the nation, research has found.
(CSP), a think tank run by former Reagan official Frank Gaffney reported “Poll of US Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels of Support For Islamic Supremacists’ Doctrine of Shariah, Jihad.”
White supremacists protest against Islam and Muslims, while real issues evade their concern.
ISIS claimed justification of reintroducing slavery on an Islamic basis is absolutely wrong, ahistorical and criminal.
California GOP Candidate for Gov TimDonnelly attacks his rival Neel Kashkari for “submitting to Sharia,” quoting loony Frank Gaffney.
TALLAHASSEE — Foreign laws would be banned in Florida courts for certain family-related cases, under a bill the Senate sent to the House on Monday.
The National Secular Society website features a daily news round-up compiled by NSS president Terry Sanderson. Here is how Sanderson reports the HuffPo interview with Warsi.
An Open Letter to Synagogues and Jewish Organizations Considering Inviting Pamela Geller to Speak.
Anti-Islam groups received more than $119 million dollars between 2008 and 2011.
All faith traditions, not just Islam, have their problematic aspects.
Oklahoma’s attempt to “specifically target and outlaw Shariah,” or Islamic law, is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled Thursday.