Welcome to 21st century fascism — American style.

Welcome to 21st century fascism — American style.
ACT! promised 100 student chapters by the end of 2016. Currently they have “zero.”
Now he’s Trump’s VP candidate.
30% support, 13% oppose, 57% are unsure of bombing Aladdin.
Following attacks in Paris, threats against mosques and extremist rhetoric from Republicans.
Genocidal intent in the 2016 election campaign expresses itself again, this time against Muslims.
Several Republican presidential candidates are to appear at a “National Security Action Summit,” hosted by a think tank led by notorious Islamophobe Frank Gaffney.
ThinkProgress picks up the story of Wilders addressing members of Congress.
“It’s just utter nonsense but, [as] with so much in the Islamophobia industry in the United States … it passes for statesmanship in the current climate.”
Token Brown man of the GOP, Gov. Jindal, went to England to commiserate on fictional “no-go zones.”
Another unhinged extremist Christian GOP politician who wants to reignite the Crusades?
O’ Georgia, electing people to Congress who don’t understand the Constitution or the concept of religious liberty.
Ellzey says he’s just an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between “offense” and threats of violence.