The way some Christians invoke Jesus to vilify Muhammad is wrong.

The way some Christians invoke Jesus to vilify Muhammad is wrong.
I have heard your criticisms, reflected on them, and have conceded.
Although such a greeting is a good sign, it’s just that: a sign. Only time will tell if the sign actually leads to real change in the condition of religious minorities inside Iran.
All faith traditions, not just Islam, have their problematic aspects.
Our IndieGoGo campaign comes to a close. Thank you for your support.
With only 10 short days left, there is a new sense of urgency… Help us reach our (new) goal of $10,000!
Dr. Reza Aslan, a religious scholar and media sensation, urges viewers in this video to support LoonWatch’s IndieGoGo campaign.
An Israeli mayor justifies ethnic cleansing. File this away under “What if this were a Muslim…?”
The month of Ramadan comes to a close and Eid al-Fitr begins. Here is an important message from LoonWatch.
Using a connect-the-dots approach, anti-Muslim bigots routinely “link” Muslims to Hamas.
We need YOUR help to reach our campaign goal. Here’s how YOU can make a difference.
The Islamophobic right-wing is trying to cast doubt on Reza Aslan’s credentials, but are they reaching for straws?
Danios of LoonWatch is writing a book that will shatter the foundational myth of Islamophobia.