Here’s a classic example of how anti-Muslim hate grows on the Internet.

Here’s a classic example of how anti-Muslim hate grows on the Internet.
Britain First, the fringe far-right, Muslim-hating group, made a second visit to the East London Mosque today (apparently an “invasion” which involved four people).
In 2012, anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative funded ads throughout the Metro system with a quote from the Quran next to a photo of the burning Twin Towers.
Earlier this month Bolton Council’s planning committee unanimously approved plans by the Sughra Masjid to demolish their existing one-storey place of worship, which has occupied the site since 1987, and replace it with a three-storey building.
As a liberal agnostic, I might better enjoy my time critiquing religion with fellow skeptics. But when skeptics single out a particular faith or group for unfair demonization, I do feel compelled to respond.
With prayer mats spread on the ground behind the Ministry of the Interior, hundreds of kneeling Muslims gathered today to protest last Friday’s police mosque raid.
Stephen Lees, a long-term Conservative activist, has tweeted that all Muslims should be expelled from Britain, and all mosques demolished.
A security guard at the Central Mosque told a court he was left feeling “very bad” after finding bacon had been thrown into the building and placed on the main door handles.
An arson attack is thought to have caused £10,000 worth of damage to a recently refurbished Islamic education centre in South Devon.
Tulsa County prosecutors have refiled a state hate-crime case that was dismissed two months ago pending a potential federal prosecution that hasn’t developed.
The Electoral Commission has been forced to make an embarrassing apology after allowing an extremist party to use a slogan featuring murdered soldier Lee Rigby.
Vile cartoons of Muslims swilling alcopops and chasing pre-pubescent girls, as well as graphic depictions of Lee Rigby’s murderer, could be broadcast on the BBC and ITV this week, submitted as the BNP’s official party election broadcast.
The saga of the Athens mosque, the realization of which has been delayed for years and seemed a settled issue last November, continues.