People have realized “fake news” about Muslims is a thing.

People have realized “fake news” about Muslims is a thing.
Legal challenge to police profiling of North Asian country’s Islamic population dismissed by Supreme Court.
Where was he radicalized?
We can’t justify Brussels and Paris, but we have an obligation to listen to what those attacks say.
A British Muslim mother was called in for a meeting by her 4-year-old son’s nursery informing her that her son had been referred to a ‘de-radicalisation’ program.
Hand grenade thrown at refugee shelter in Germany in latest attack on asylum seekers in wake of Cologne assaults.
A Muslim immigrant said that he was beaten for speaking Arabic while walking down a street in Philadelphia.
The more religious Australian Muslims are, the greater their sense of civic duty and of belonging to the nation, research has found.
Cab driver shot by passenger who mocked Islam and Muslims in alleged Islamophobic hate crime.
Sam Harris says he’d vote for ‘dangerously deluded religious imbecile’ Ben Carson over Noam Chomsky, and prefers Cristian refugees over Muslim refugees.
Following attacks in Paris, threats against mosques and extremist rhetoric from Republicans.
A Katy man Robert James Talbot Jr who planned to launch a domestic terrorism attack last year has been sentenced .
Marshall W. Leonard, 61, of Tupelo, will be charged with placing an explosive device.