Hatred and division will not seize the day.

Hatred and division will not seize the day.
Bill Maher loves himself some Israeli Apartheid.
Christians United For Israel (CUFI) head John Hagee believes “half-breed Jews” committed the holocaust.
Benjamin Netanyahu takes his hasbara (propaganda) to the US Congress.
Circus of hypocrisy from world leaders at “free speech” march in Paris.
The far-right and Islamophobic politics of the Israeli killers.
Can you guess what scary, totalitarian ideology spawned the War on Terror?
If Iran’s new president sounds moderate, it must be taqiya.
The Israeli regime and allies in the US exploit “crazed Muslims are the problem” theme to obscure real issues.
Attack of the neocon warmongers demystified.
Barak Ravid condemns Netanyahu for trying to sow discord through Christmas message.
Imagine if Iran assassinated Israeli scientists, there would be another war in the Middle East.
Israel is funding the Yeshiva of terrorist Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira to the tune of half a million dollars.