Alex Morton, housing adviser to the former Prime Minister David Cameron now pushes “Clash of Civilizations” war against Muslims in the West.

Alex Morton, housing adviser to the former Prime Minister David Cameron now pushes “Clash of Civilizations” war against Muslims in the West.
A group of professed terrorists “had no basic knowledge about Islam,” according to a new German study.
On the heels of the commemoration of the genocide at Srebrenica, an appeals court in Serbia halted the first ever war crimes trial.
Hatred against Jews and hatred against Muslims have a lot in common. One thing in particular is that throughout history Jews and Muslims have been accused of being prone to criminality, rape and violence. The Nazis in the 30’s did so and many antisemites still today spread the lie. The exact same kind of lies […]
Child Marriages in the USA, not a “Muslim Problem”.
Scenes of jubilation spread in front of the White House as crowds gathered to chant “USA!” and shout “Allahu Akbar!”
Ramy Youssef is pretty funny!
The Islamophobic challenge against teaching Islam in history courses has been dealt a blow in Florida.
Alexander Jennes Downing, verbally attacked an innocent Muslim family.
Anti-Muslim militia indistinguishable from KKK.
Leader of Islamophobic hate party, Britain First gets caught spreading anti-Muslim lie.
The Muslim blood libel myth.
The largest device ever detonated on a nation after the Hiroshima and Nagaski nukes.