Child Marriages in the USA, not a “Muslim Problem”.
Tag Archives | USA

US Culture of Death: Orgasmic Over “Mother Of All Bombs” Dropped on Afghanistan
The largest device ever detonated on a nation after the Hiroshima and Nagaski nukes.

The Intercept: Special Ops Killing of Pregnant Afghan Women Was “Appropriate” Use of Force
Afghans killed in cold blood by JSOC but Defense Department absolves soldiers involved.

The Stranger: Human Nature and the Other
“To change hearts, you must change minds.” In his talk, Laith Saud challenges traditional perceptions of Islam and Muslims, and discusses the contradiction between thoughts and feelings.

USA: 207 Mass Shootings In 2015 Alone, Only 1 Committed By A Muslim
What The Media Won’t Tell You About Mass Shootings And Muslims.

Khaled Abou El-Fadl: The End of the Arab Spring, the Rise of ISIS and the Future of Political Islam
It was once a simple dream that breathed life into the hope-starved spirits of so many.

Raw Story: Georgia ‘patriot’ reportedly planted pipe bombs in park to sow fear of Muslims
He was “trying to educate people on terrorism.”

FBI Targeted Mentally Disabled Muslim American Citizens
One disturbing practice, which seems to pop up over and over in the report, is the targeting of those with mental disabilities to ‘create’ crimes.

Hijab ban threatens basketball phenom
FIBA’s rule exclude basketball phenom Bilquis Abdul-Qaadir.

US religious freedom rep funded by Islamophobes
The Council on American-Islamic Relations repeated its request to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom to investigate one of its own members.

The USA-NATO Get Miley Syria(ous) on Bashar al-Assad
Syrians suffer as US media narcissistically obsess over “what the US will do.”

‘Valentino’s Ghost’ hits media’s portrayal of Arabs, Muslims
Michael Singh’s documentary connects the USA’s foreign policy agenda to America’s negative portrayals of Arabs and Muslims.

Iraqi Birth Defects Worse Than Hiroshima
The US stopped raining bombs over Iraq but they are still destroying life. (Warning: Graphic Images) (Update)