What are Sam Harris’ motives?

What are Sam Harris’ motives?
Sam Harris has his own dissimulation techniques.
Liberal Islamophobes who rant about “regressive liberals” are cloaking their racism and bigotry behind liberalism.
Sam Harris lost a debate and doesn’t want it to be heard because it is too “boring.”
Sam Harris says he’d vote for ‘dangerously deluded religious imbecile’ Ben Carson over Noam Chomsky, and prefers Cristian refugees over Muslim refugees.
Islam(ism) exposes the failure and deep morass of progressive thought.
An event at Harvard, titled, “Islam and the Future of Tolerance,” did anything but promote critical, informed and productive dialogue.
The use and misuse of the Quran by extremists.
Sam Harris has found an acceptable Muslim, Maajid Nawaz, and not only are they co-authoring a book, he’s backing Quilliam.
“The official spokesperson of Islam and its 1.5 billion adherents throughout the world delivered remarks from an open letter condemning Ebola.”
As a liberal agnostic, I might better enjoy my time critiquing religion with fellow skeptics. But when skeptics single out a particular faith or group for unfair demonization, I do feel compelled to respond.
The mask falls: the coalition of Ayaan supporters who abet and provide cover for her hate against Muslims and Islam.
With disregard for Malala’s faith and actual opinions, the atheist thinker uses her to continue his anti-Muslim war.