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Banner/Link Code to place in your website:
<a href=””> <img src=” border=”0″> </a>
NEW: get RSS feed straight to your site. Just paste the following in your HTML backend where you want our feed to display:
<?php $olderror_reporting =error_reporting(0); include (“ &eleminate=&auth=&dts=& width=300&max=10&tlen=0&rnd=&bt=3&bs=Double&nmb=&ntb=&naf=&nst= &nwd=0&nht=0&dlen=0&lstyle=-1&lc=Blue&bg=White&bc=Gray&spc=&ims=&tc=&ts=11 &tfont=Verdana,+Arial,+Sans-serif&rf=”.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘SERVER_NAME’].$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[‘PHP_SELF’].”&phpout=1″); error_reporting($olderror_reporting); ?>
[For advanced users: you can alter the values of the above code to fit your website]