What are Sam Harris’ motives?

What are Sam Harris’ motives?
“I knew my houses and my land, that everything had been taken,” 45-year-old Ali says. “I knew I would be coming back to nothing.”
On the heels of the commemoration of the genocide at Srebrenica, an appeals court in Serbia halted the first ever war crimes trial.
A mob set upon Madam Yednboka Keena and killed for the crime of witchcraft.
Scenes of jubilation spread in front of the White House as crowds gathered to chant “USA!” and shout “Allahu Akbar!”
A second soldier has been arrested for allegedly planning a “false flag” terror attack to be blamed on refugees in Germany amid fears of a wider neo-Nazi network within the army.
The Islamophobic challenge against teaching Islam in history courses has been dealt a blow in Florida.
Anti-Muslim militia indistinguishable from KKK.
Responding to the critique of Black nationalists on so-called “Islamic” slavery in Africa.
The so-called Australian “Imam” beloved by One Nation, Ayaan H. Ali, Jihadwatch and Pamela Geller.
The largest device ever detonated on a nation after the Hiroshima and Nagaski nukes.
The war on educating American kids on the basics of world religions continues.
Aymann Fadel: I’ll listen to atheists’ thoughtful criticism of Muslims but I won’t listen to them if they also support violations of Muslims’ human rights.