Yellow Cab pulls the plug on SIOA misleading anti-Islam hate ads.
Author Archive | American Sole
How to Defeat Hate with 42 Cents
Merry Christmas everyone! Sadly for some, it’s “Tis the season to be hateful!, Fa LaLaLaLa La La La!” Let’s make sure the Grinch doesn’t steal this Christmas.
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield’s Double Speak
Rabbi Hirschfield seems like a good guy but on his blog he bizarrely criticizes Muslim objections to an anti-Muslim hate film he himself trashes, as “crying wolf.”
Obama is not an Arab… “He’s a Decent Man”
[youtube: 300 250] Which begs the question can “an Arab” be “a decent family man”? Hmm, the taxing questions of the 21st century…
Douglas Farah’s Delusional Delight
Doug, yet another so-called “investigative consultant” tries to link U.S. Muslim orgs to planet Zorbex, that global superpower operating in perfect coordination yet total secrecy to sneak in an evil empire.