Debbie “shwang, wang, wang” Schlussel is at the loony business again. (Updated)
Author Archive | Zingel
Islamophobia? What Islamophobia?
Sorry Mr. Sharif, even if you were lashed from the back for being Muslim, it’s still not a backlash because there is no such thing as an anti-Muslim backlash.
The Alyona Show Takes Pamela Geller to Task
My new favorite show is the Alyona Show! Real hard hitting questions, real journalism, beautiful hostesses combined with someone finally challenging Pamela!
A Christian Stealth Jihad in the United States?
“Reclaiming America for Jesus” can mean a lot of things but it can be hair raising when the goal is to stealthily subvert and transform American law to function on Biblical norms a la Christian Shariah.
Busted: Daniel Pipes Uses Photoshopped Image
Daniel Pipes gets caught red handed, uses fake image on his website to make a point. But what, how, and why?
Daniel Pipes’ Unhealthy Obsession with the Hijab
Well since Daniel Pipes is not very good at holding a mirror up to his face, we here at LoonWatch volunteered to do that for him.
European Loonieness: What is Going on?
Europe is going through an identity crisis, and Muslims are at the center of it, but why is the discourse getting so loony?
UK Jewish Group Urges Jews not to be Fooled by Fascists
A Jewish council in the UK urges Jews not to be fooled by fascists. Pamela Geller and Rabbi Jon Hausman think they are Dhimmis.
The Blog Wars: Robert Spencer Goes Postal on Charles Johnson
Robert Spencer, goes postal after Charles Johnson mentions Spencer in passing as a bigot and ally of neo-fascism. The truth hurts.
Robert Spencer: Here’s Hoping for an anti-Muslim Backlash
That’s the message coming relentlessly from JihadWatch and Robert Spencer who seems ecstatic at the opportunity Fort Hood offers his anti-Muslim agenda.
Update: Under Fire Spencer Loses His Cool: “F**k CAIR!”
Notorious Islamophobe Robert Spencer flies into an obscene hissy fit as he battles associations with obscene hate messages.
Update: “f**” Magically Disappears from Robert Spencer’s
Two Hate URL’s are suddenly delinked from after being exposed by LoonWatch. What this means…
LoonWatch Exclusive: Robert Spencer’s “f**” & “f**”
A LoonWatch Exclusive takes a look at the latest scandal associated with the internet’s premiere anti-Muslim bigot.