The White supremacist BNP pushes disgusting, Islamophobic leaflet about slain MP Jo Cox.

The White supremacist BNP pushes disgusting, Islamophobic leaflet about slain MP Jo Cox.
Recent incidences of violent assaults on women wearing the veil in the UK.
The Ulfah Collective, UK’s first female Muslim band, faced the brunt of racial hatred when the Ulfah Arts and Media Center was set ablaze.
Hate crimes continue in wake of Woolwich killing.
Police deployed officers to guard Morden mosque yesterday after extreme racist threats appeared on social media sites.
Islamic associations in Germany have called for stronger measures and a more determined fight against Islamophobic attacks in the country.
Attacks in New York and Malden.
Unless you’ve been asleep for the past 10 years (or write book reviews for the Wall Street Journal), you may have noticed that anti-Muslim sentiment in the past decade has recently spilled out into some of this country’s nastiest displays of hate.
Another arson attack, this time in Toledo, Ohio. (UPDATED)
The mass shooting of a gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Wisconsin on Sunday is merely the latest chapter in a history of violence. In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition.
Perhaps “We are not Muslims” will become “We are all Muslims,” as we come together to eradicate Islamophobic bigotry in all its forms.
The KKK says their membership is “booming” in Colorado, with 12 white supremacist groups active in the state.
Vandals targeted a Sikh house of worship in suburban Detroit this week.