Child Marriages in the USA, not a “Muslim Problem”.
Tag Archives | Christian

Breitbart and the “dechristianization” of London
A local school board in London decided that school assemblies can be held as inter-faith assemblies. Antisemites and Islamophobes reacted with horror.

U.S.A Already Has A Partial “Muslimban”
According to PEW Research U.S.A take in more Christian refugees than Muslim. For the years 2002-16 it means 400,000 Christian refugees and 280,000 Muslim.

Israeli Author Avi Lipkin Says All Churches Are Infiltrated By Undercover Muslims Pretending To Be Christian
Avi Lipkin projects his own psychosis onto Muslims and Islam with bizarre rants to Church audiences.

Lincoln County Chairman Carrol Mitchem: “Only Christian Prayers Welcome At Meetings”
“I don’t believe we need to be bowing to the minorities. The U.S. and the Constitution were founded on Christianity.”

Devout Christian Goes On Rampage At New Orleans Airport And You Didn’t Hear About It
The media double standards continue to persist.

Third Charity Worker Abducted By Christian Militia In CAR
Armed men kidnapped a female UN employee in the capital of Central African Republic on Tuesday, a day after two aid workers were seized, said a source with the UN force.

Electronic Intifada: Islamophobic rally in Texas as senators push for anti-Palestinian bill
Texas is the scene of an Islamophobic rally while senators push anti-Palestinian bill.

Video: Eight Buddhist Monks Among 24 Identified in Attack on Prayer Center
The police have identified 24 persons who were involved in yesterday’s (January 13) attack on a Christian place of worship in Hikkaduwa including eight Buddhist monks.

Bill Cosby: We Should All Be More Like Muslims
Comedian Bill Cosby on the intentional misunderstanding of Muslims.

Arab International Festival in Dearborn is Canceled in Wake of Aggressive Christian Missionary Activities
After growing religious tensions between some Christian missionaries and local Muslims, the annual Arab International Festival in Dearborn has been canceled for this year, organizers said Friday.

The Islamophobes Latest Fantasy Rape Fatwa
“False stories spread by the Islamophobia rumor mill have become common, and whether or not to respond to them has been a serious discussion within the Muslim community.”

New West Point Study Highlights Threat Posed by Far Right-Wing Groups In U.S.
The threat of the Far-Right is real but Republicans want us to concentrate on the Weather Underground which hasn’t been operational for over 30 years.