Hatred and division will not seize the day.

Hatred and division will not seize the day.
How an apocalyptic tradition played into the hands of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim hatemongers.
More facts highlighting AIPAC’s Islamophobia and racism against Arabs and Muslims.
Maajid Nawaz’s money trail reveals much about the drastic shifts in his beliefs.
Jews and Muslims must unite instead of dividing.
Irony alert: Hey Israeli-French citizens upset at LePen, Israel is ALSO a racist, colonial state.
Mosque arsonists ideology linked to pro-Israel, Zionist currents of Islamophobia Network.
Thousands rally for Israeli soldier who executed Palestinian, shout “death to Arabs.”
Zionist-settler colonialist violence continues to wreak havoc.
A new path to peace in war lies with knowing something about each others sacred values.
It was once a simple dream that breathed life into the hope-starved spirits of so many.
The challenge of peace.
The impact of enlightenment, European anti-Semitism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.