The so-called Australian “Imam” beloved by One Nation, Ayaan H. Ali, Jihadwatch and Pamela Geller.

The so-called Australian “Imam” beloved by One Nation, Ayaan H. Ali, Jihadwatch and Pamela Geller.
Geller follower wants to “blow up” Islamic school.
It’s happening here and there. It’s happening inside and outside. This thing is happening everywhere!
Many trying to conflate ISIS’ beliefs as “the correct Islam.”
Former RT America host, Abby Martin, has been caught in the cross hairs of Chris Kyle’s new found following.
Geert Wilders and our own Congressional extremists pal up.
Pamela Geller writes something wacky again and the world keeps turning.
Sun News Network won’t be missed.
Citizen artist in San Francisco stamps out Geller’s racist hate ads.
Kedar recently made headlines arguing that Palestinian women should be raped to prevent attacks on Israel.
Islamophobes hold rally for Israel in NYC.
Engel’s presence at a rally that invited Geller, a blogger and activist whose bread and butter is casting aspersions on Muslims, raised eyebrows on Twitter and elsewhere.
They are a group of “concerned citizens”, but are very hesitant to say who they really are. If you want to go to one of their meetings, you have to sign a nondisclosure agreement.