The looniest blogger ever, Pamela Geller is at it again.
Tag Archives | Pamela Geller Watch
Loony Pamela Geller: Petraeus Resignation Is an Obama Plot to Put a Muslim in Charge of the CIA
Did you know, David Petraeus’ resignation was just part of “Islamic supremacist stealth shariah takeover of America.”
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Raise Funds for EDL Leader’s Legal Defence
Geller and Spencer in hysterics over arrests of their fascist allies in the UK.
Michigan City: Judge Bans Pamela Geller’s anti-Muslim Ads
The public transit authority in southeastern Michigan has the right to ban advertisements that it deems political for targeting Islam, the 6th Circuit ruled.
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Arrested, Will Pamela Geller Be Next?
Geller’s closest UK ally arrested for entering USA illegally, she wrote that she helped him “sneak in.”
“Jewish” Pamela Geller’s “Christian” EDL ally rants about non-Christians being “pagans”
Are Geller, Yerushalmi & Horowitz aware of what their UK allies think of them?
This is What You Can Expect From a Mitt Romney Presidency: Islamophobia
It’s going to be Islamophobia on crack if Romney wins the presidency. (Update)
Rabbi Jill Jacobs explains message behind New York subway ads
Rabbi Jill Jacobs explains why she took ads out to counter Geller’s anti-Muslim message.
MondoWeiss: Pamela Geller’s 9/11 gathering features speaker calling for Islam to be ‘wiped out’
The mantra of the “Counter Jihad”: “Islam will be wiped out.”
Eight examples of the ‘uncivilized savages’ Pamela Geller is talking about
These are some of the ‘uncivilized savages’ Geller is talking about.
Fox News Labels Pamela Geller’s Work “Inflammatory” And “Anti-Muslim” After Promoting Her For Years
The network has regularly featured anti-Islam commentary as a part of its regular programming and has often invited Geller as a guest despite her long and well-documented history of bigotry. Is that changing?
Pamela Geller Stokes anti-Muslim Hatred
We are entering a very dangerous period where ‘Counter-Jihadists’ and Islamist extremists are feeding off each other’s extremism to justify their own activities. I’ll be writing more about this shortly.
Moriscos, Marranos, Columbus, and Islamophobes
Muslims in the Americas, from Colombus onwards.