Loonwatchers, first of all I want to thank you for your patience while we experienced a malicious attack by hackers who wished to destroy Loonwatch’s reputation. It is not a surprise that there are many out there who want to destroy our work.
Unable to counter our facts, arguments and use of satire they instead chose to go the dirty route. This is not the first time. Almost a year ago to the date, our site was also attacked: Some Want Loonwatch to be Silenced.
Commenters in the Islamophobesphere were gloating that Loonwatch was under attack, commenting on how there are “bugs” here and “LOL-ing” at the fact that the site was attacked.
These weren’t ordinary hackers, our technical team tells us that they were quite sophisticated, this is why it took some time to redress the issue.
I want to assure our fans and loonwatchers everywhere that not only has the issue been tackled but we have upped our defenses to protect the site and ensure that there won’t ever be a repeat of what occurred a few days ago.
However, since we live in an unpredictable world where you are never 100% safe from attack I want readers to know a few things: In case of attack in the future, please visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates on what is going on with the site. We also have a mirror site: Loonwatch Digest, which you can visit in the meantime while we secure the main site. And of course you can visit Spencerwatch.com and WhatIfTheyWereMuslim.com.
Once again I want to thank you all for your patience, apologize for any inconvenience and reassure you that what happened a few days ago will not happen again.