The increasingly unstable Eric Allen Bell (aka Eric Edborg) isn’t backing down from his calls to destroy Mecca. His genocidal predilections are endless. Last week I covered his cutesy attempt at fanning the flames of his Islamophobic followers fanatical anti-Muslim hate.
Now Bell is at it again, the chicken hawk wants the US military to hover over the Ka’ba and remove it.
Bell, having taken notice of the fact that his deluded hate-mongering is well known, gives his followers an empty warning, telling them to be careful of what hate they say because evil Obama-Mooslim-Brotherhood-Hamas-AlQaeda-linked-CAIR is watching:
Clearly Bell doesn’t know the meaning of “contradiction.”
As hollow a disclaimer as you will ever read, Bell who is extra-vigilante to ban those who oppose his hate goes ahead and leaves comments such as these up from Kim Bruce:
or James Garner:
You can check the thread out yourself and see all the other calls for nuking and killing, it would take a long time for us to load all of the screenshots.
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