Let the loony Islamophobic conspiracies about a war on Halloween begin. (h/t: CriticalDragon)
Robert Spencer discovers Halloween Jihad
by Sheila Musaji
Robert Spencer finds it noteworthy enough to note on Jihad Watch that Seattle elementary school bans Halloween costumes: they could offend students from “other cultures”.
He engages in his typical snarky innuendo:
Gee, I wonder which culture would have students in the Seattle elementary schools who would be offended by Halloween costumes. Still, there is no indication that any Islamic supremacist group demanded this ban; the school officials are just playing the dhimmi on their own initiative. Please write them, politely and respectfully, and ask them why American culture always takes a back seat to others, and why they’re pandering to an imaginary offense.
And, of course, his partner Pamela Geller also posted an article on this non-story, sayingDismantling America, piece by cultural piece, law by American law …… the parents ought to protest en masse – in costume.
The article Spencer and Geller refer to says only that a Seattle school has banned students from dressing up in costume for Halloween this year at school. One district representative said that costumes “could offend and upset students who come from other cultures”. The principal of the school said that “This decision was made by the entire staff after two deep and detailed discussions. The initial conversation was initiated by staff members who suggested that since Halloween falls this year on a half day of school, we not allow costumes. It takes students a while to change into their costumes, and students are distracted taking away from the already limited instructional time.
That’s it, the whole story that is known from this. We don’t know whether or not any parent made any request or complaint to the district or to the school. We don’t know what is the demographic of the community where this school is located. Blaming this decision on some sort of Muslim plot, or a self-imposed fear of a possible Muslim reaction, to take away an American holiday is absolute nonsense.
To jump to the conclusion that Spencer does from this very limited information is a clear sign of his deeply held Islamophobia. We know that Spencer is blaming Muslims for this school decision because he says the school officials are “playing dhimmi” on their own initiative. Is it only some Muslims who don’t celebrate Halloween?
Here is a quote from one such “dhimmi” who refuses to participate in American culture:
“I think we ought to close Halloween down. Do you want your children to dress up as witches? The Druids used to dress up like this when they were doing human sacrifice…[The children] are acting out Satanic rituals and participating in it, and don’t even realize it.”—Pat Robertson, “The 700 Club,” 1982-OCT-29
Robertson is not exactly known for his fondness for Islam or Muslims. I wonder is Spencer will ask his followers to write letters to The 700 Club to complain about Robertson’s attempts to “dismantle America”.
If any parents did say something to the school or district administration, they might have been parents from just about any religious or cultural background.
Yes, there are some Muslims who are opposed to celebrating Halloween, for a variety of reasons. The reasons given are pretty much identical with the reasons that many Christians and Jews are opposed to celebrating the holiday. There is a wide range of opinion within all of these communities about the holiday, what it means, and why it should not be celebrated, or can be celebrated as simply a cultural event.
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