Robert Spencer – Kevin Carroll – Pamela Geller – Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – Stockholm August 2012
Original guest article by Jai
Readers will be aware that Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller’s main British allies are the English Defence League/British Freedom Party leadership. The EDL’s “second-in-command” is Kevin Carroll, who is also the BFP’s co-deputy leader. Along with EDL leader/BFP deputy leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka “Tommy Robinson”), Kevin Carroll was involved in hosting the anti-Muslim demonstration in Stockholm in August 2012 alongside Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, BFP leader Paul Weston, and European neo-Nazis.
Kevin Carroll at Pamela Geller’s “SION” anti-Muslim conference in New York
Along with Yaxley-Lennon, Kevin Carroll was also one of the main speakers at Geller’s anti-Muslim conference in New York on September 11th 2012, a fact that Geller has enthusiastically publicised on her “Atlas Shrugs” website. Other speakers included David Yerushalmi, who has represented Geller in various lawsuits. Kevin Carroll himself repeatedly made false claims about the current situation in the United Kingdom and continued his long-term behaviour pattern of hijacking Christianity. He previously attended Geller’s demonstration against the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York in September 2010.
Kevin Carroll’s views on non-Christians
Ironically, in December 2010, Kevin Carroll wrote a number of very revealing comments on Facebook which were posted online on his behalf by Yaxley-Lennon’s PA Hel Gower (multiple screenshots here). In these comments:
1. Kevin Carroll ranted about executing “traitors”, ie. opponents of the EDL. 2. Kevin Carroll continued by ranting about Britain being “a Christian country not a multicultural one”, and he also explicitly described Christianity as “the fundamental culture” of Britain. 3. Kevin Carroll is clearly (mis)using “multicultural” to mean “multireligious” (and similarly, misusing “culture” to mean “religion”). 4. Kevin Carroll ranted about Britain being a Christian country absolutely everywhere. 5. Kevin Carroll explicitly described non-Christians as “pagans”. 6. Kevin Carroll ranted that he will never “bend or bow” to such “pagans”. 7. Apart from confirming the EDL/BFP leadership’s fanatical religious supremacism, Kevin Carroll’s statements also:
a) Confirm their extreme bigotry towards non-Christians in general, not just Muslims, including the various non-Christian groups the EDL/BFP leadership are cynically trying to court as allies against Muslims;
and b) Most revealing of all, Kevin Carroll’s bigoted statements about “pagans” also expose the EDL/BFP leadership’s real attitudes towards their American Jewish allies Pamela Geller, David Yerushalmi, and Robert Spencer’s “boss” David Horowitz.
It is currently unclear whether Geller, Yerushalmi and Horowitz are aware of what their main British allies actually think of them, or whether they are so utterly lacking in self-respect that they are happy to be formally allied with individuals who are on record as explicitly stating how much they despise non-Christians and regard them as “pagans”.
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