Pamela Geller exploits another tragedy to promote pathological anti-Muslim hatred
by Sheila Musaji
Pamela Geller has posted Muslim “Youth” looting the dead at French Rail Crash.
Geller says:
“This is the second unexplained train crash in as many weeks. More bodies are still being recovered in a mysterious Quebec train disaster in Canada In this latest disaster in France, French Atlas readers tell me that Muslim “youths” were looting corpses at the train crash site. Most media neglected this monstrous bit of news; The Daily Telegraph makes a brief mention of the ghouls, referring to the Muslims as, ahem, “local people.”
Actually, according to the most recent Reuters report on the tragic Quebec train crash: The runaway train of 72 cars carrying crude oil had been parked uphill in the nearby town of Nantes. It started moving toward Lac-Megantic when its brakes failed, building speed and eventually jumping the tracks in the heart of town near the packed Musi-Cafe bar, shortly after 1 a.m. (0500 GMT) last Saturday.
The French train crash appears to have been caused by loose equipment, more specifically, a loose steel plate at a junction.
There have been reports of looters but those reports only mention “jeunes” and “local people” in their descriptions. No one anywhere mentions Muslims except for Islam vs Europe, Sheikh Yer’Mami and Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs (and after them, the rest of the most vicious element of the Islamophobic echo chamber).
“Jeunes” simply means young people. No one but Geller and Islam vs Europe and other Islamophobic sites mention Muslims at all in relation to what happened in France. Who says that jeunes is “French journalist code for Muslims”? Who says “local people” is code for Muslims?
There is a reason that any respectable media have neglected Geller’s “monstrous bit of news”, and that is because it is not news, but simply another of Geller’s endless steam of sick Islamophobic fantasies. Pamela Geller says that she “loves Muslims” and has “no problem” with Muslims only with Islam. This is certainly a love that passes all understanding as her pathological hatred of Muslims seems to know no bounds.
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