#ThingsThatAreNotMosques How did this hilarious hashtag get started? HOPE Not Hate explains
UKIP Mistake Cathedral For Mosque
by: Simon Cressy | on: Wednesday, 26 November 2014, 20:16
South Thanet UKIP branch have been left with egg on their face after making a huge mistake on the social network Twitter.
The BBC politics programme Daily Politics made a posting on their own Twitter feed that was attempting to demonstrate whether Nigel Farage had what it takes to become Prime Minister.

The BBC reporter Giles Dilnot posted a photo of two boxes, one labelled “Yes” and the other “No” and asked locals to take part in a simple opinion poll by posting a coloured ball in the appropriate box, with the results being revealed on the programme today.

South Thanet UKIP, the same area in Kent where Nigel Farage is aiming to become an MP in the general election next year to exception to the photograph posting a reply that said ” Perfect place to hold vote in front of a mosque in London. The BBC’s random means selective”
The BBC reporter attempted to explain that they might be wrong about their facts writing “You are SO wrong you might be embarrassed by that”
South Thanet UKIP asked Dilnot for the location and the BBC journalist was only too happy to oblige, informing the red faced Kippers that the photo was actually taken outside Westminster Cathedral !!