By Emperor
There is a lot to vehemently disagree on with President Barack Obama like his drone assassination policy and extension/expansion of the war on terror but this time he spoke the obvious truth: The creation and growth of ISIS is a direct consequence of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. A truth that is self-evident and has already caused an uproar among the war-profiteers.
Shane Smith: One of the biggest questions that I had was how did they become so popular so fast? How did they get so many foreign fighters from America, from the U.K., from Scandinavia, from all over the world, go there, outstrip al Qaeda, almost overnight. So, a, how did they become so popular out of nowhere? And then, b, how do we stop them?
President Obama: ISIL is direct outgrowth of Al-Qaida in Iraq which grew out of our invasion which is an example of unintended consequences which is why we should generally aim before we shoot.
Starts at 12:00: