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Raw Story: Georgia ‘patriot’ reportedly planted pipe bombs in park to sow fear of Muslims


By David Ferguson, Raw Story

A 67-year-old Marietta, Georgia man is accused of planting a backpack containing two pipe bombs in an Atlanta-area public park in order to frighten the public and sow fear of Islamic terrorism.

According to Atlanta’s Channel 2 News, conservative “patriot” Michael Sibley confessed to police that he was trying to educate people that terror strikes can happen anywhere and without warning when he planted the bombs last November.

The backpack contained two partially-constructed pipe bombs, a Koran and a list of “soft targets” for terrorist attacks — i.e., non-military, unguarded structures like hospitals and schools. Among the list of potential targets was an Atlanta Jewish center.

Channel 2 quoted Sibley’s arrest report, which reported that he “(s)tated that he is a ‘patriot’ and he felt no one was paying attention to what was going on the world. Sibley felt if he placed the package in a Roswell park then people would finally get that this type of activity could happen anywhere.”

Read the entire article…

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    • AJ

      Basically, any crime that a Muslim does must be mandated by his religion (if he professes to do so), even though the religion may have no injunctions for it AND even though that Muslim may not practice any basic tenets of Islam.

    • HSkol

      Dude has got to be incredibly fearful to feel that he needed to instill fear in others. These types have always existed. They seem to have been tamped down to a degree a couple decades back. Now, they seem to be popping up with far too great a frequency for me to say that Humanity has progressed – in fact, I feel that we’ve done just the opposite. Goodness, may you save us all.

    • HSkol

      Fair is fair and consistent is consistent. Unfortunately, we’ve been short of fairness and consistency for quite some time now. Perhaps, and more likely, we’ve never had as much. Let’s work for it. I’m on board.

    • Capt. JB Hennessy

      If you discover the cure for Cancer and your a Muslim then it won’t be Islamic Cure for Cancer. Then it would hover in the realm of, “we taught you how to do it”.

    • Capt. JB Hennessy

      They track hack your IP address. Figure what you are doing where you are going what equipment you have attached to it. Then they censor you while applauding their embrace of free thought and speech.

      You have confuse them by making anti-Christian comments on Monday, their minds are still doped over from Saturday night at the Round Up Square Bar and Grill mechanical bull ride and Q/A. On Tuesday make a few anti-Muslim comments. They’ll think you on their side. Just change your opinion every other day about everyone.

      And if you claim your the victim they will definitely leave you alone thinking your their supervisor.

    • cmyfe .

      I just can’t seem to get over “Islamic Terrorism”. What does that mean? What makes an act “Islamic”? If I rape someone and say I did it for Islam or that Islam recommends this, would that make it “Islamic rape”? Even though vast majority of normal Muslims and almost all scholars might be negating this claim? If this is valid then there should also be terms like “Humanitarian Terrorism”, “Secular Terrorism” and “Liberal Terrorism” etc.

    • cmyfe .

      That’s disturbing. How desperate can one be over a religion / race or whatever??? can be utilised to search where a certain profile pic etc is being used.

    • Julieann Wozniak

      Bumpkin, rube, assclown, the sort of individual who believes it is his divine right to engage in public urination and sees nothing wrong in bringing his assault rifle into a family restaurant. The thugs who gathered at the Bundy Ranch and closed down a neighboring highway are apt examples. Have a few of these in my small town but, fortunately, they aren’t reproducing and will leave when Chevron Appalachia does.

    • Tanveer ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Khan

      In what sense are you using the word “cracker”? XD

    • Tanveer ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Khan

      They even made an account and and made mention of my Xbox username – I still don’t know how they found out about it. I don’t remember talking about it on Disqus or anywhere else.

    • HSkol

      I suppose he just wants his presence known. Makes little sense to me; but, it is what it is I guess.

    • golden izanagi

      yeah he kept following me too and up voted me on a thread that had nothing to do with loonwatch for some reason.

    • Julieann Wozniak

      Cracker. Worse, an incompetent cracker.

    • Reynardine

      Yeah, he did start out as Santiago Matamoros. He followed Tanveer onto our board, and topped off other kinds of bad behavior by saying Muslim kids should be killed before adolescence… Tanveer is both our only Muslim and our only kid. He got treated kind of rough after that, and eventually banned under that name, but has snuck back as several sock puppets.

    • cmyfe .

      Would this stalker be “Santiago Matamoros”? There is also someone that goes by “Gazastan”. They keep following me and try to reply on my comments on other sites. The first guy makes multiple accounts with same name specifically to target users of loonwatch, especially 1DrM. Such vermin….probably broke anti-Islamists.

    • mindy1

      FFS what kind of idiot tries to START conflicts >:(

    • Reynardine


      Over at Hatewatch, we thought it was this vile coward of a kidstalker who had been chasing Tanveer all over Disqus, until the kidstalker turned up under another sockpuppet.

    • Yausari

      What’s his excuse? People don’t hate Muslims enough?

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