By Emperor
The 2016 presidential election season has been punctuated by the implosion of the Republican party, decimated by the long nurtured hatred and xenophobia that it has thrived upon for decades. The Republican elite have for some time either looked the other way or actively pandered to and supported bigoted organizations, hoping to reap electoral dividends.
One such cog in the Conservative movement’s wheels has been ACT! For America. ACT! For America is one of a plethora of Islamophobic hate groups whose shady practices and links have been exposed repeatedly over the years. ACT! is led by Brigitte Gabriel and has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from leading donors of the Conservative movement.
In July 2014, we reported Brigitte Gabriel’s announcement that ACT! For America was launching university campus chapters. ACT!’s purported goal in establishing these university chapters was to counter Muslim Student Associations (MSA), which, in line with the conspiratorial messaging of Islamophobes was a supposed “Muslim Brotherhood” front. ACT! claims that their “goal is for Students Who ACT to be recognized as an official student group on at least 100 campuses by the end of 2016!”
Students Who ACT claims the following platform.:
“As the only group on college campuses focused on promoting national security and defeating terrorism, “Students Who ACT”:
- Lead the way in encouraging student participation in the defense of American values and liberties in their communities and on the state and federal level;
- Further their peers’ education of ACT for America’s core issues including raising awareness of global Christian persecution;
- Combat extreme bias and intimidation by encouraging students to respond and exercise their Constitutional right to free speech;
- Promote patriotism among fellow students.
Students help raise awareness through group activities such as holding educational events, staying active on campus with like-minded groups, attending the ACT for America National Conference, participating in social media campaigns, and working with the local ACT for America chapters.” (ACT! For America Students)
It’s been two years, so how far along is Brigitte Gabriel and ACT! For America in achieving the establishment of “100 chapters” on University campuses?
By using the good ole’ google maps list, ACT!’s official “Find a Chapter” map, and Facebook we see that only four universities supposedly should have an ACT! For America student group on campus. These are Murray State University, Liberty University, Tulane University, and Oklahoma State University- Stillwater.
However, looking at the most up-to-date list of student organizations at all four universities, neither ACT! For America nor Students Who Act are listed as student organizations at these universities. The student life coordinator at Oklahoma State University-Stillwater, and Evan Frejo confirmed that they do not have a student organization related to ACT! For America on the list of student organizations.
Therefore, it’s apparent that ACT For America does not actually have a single official student organization at any American university. Indeed, the goal of 100 chapters by the end of this year is not only unattainable but in the past two years they have opened a grand total of zero chapters! Money well spent for an Islamophobia machine that is funded to the tune of over $200 million dollars!