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Your Whacked Out Pamela Geller Rant of the Day

Charles Johnson over at LGF launches into Pamela.

Your Whacked Out Pamela Geller Rant of the Day

A classically incoherent run-on title from the Shrieking Harpy introduces her latest outrageous outrage:


Imagine the gall of these Islamic supremacists. The very idea that the infidels should finance the second wave of 911 attacks on the American people again exhibits the contempt Rauf and his gang have for the filthy kuffar.

Here’s what her latest asinine Crusade is about: the developers of Park51 have applied for funding from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, which was set up after the 9/11 attacks to help distribute federal funds to businesses, for the improvement of lower Manhattan. The fund was set up specifically for projects like the Cordoba House, which proposes to take an abandoned eyesore of a building and turn it into a world class community center open to all. I don’t know if they’ll receive the funding, but it certainly qualifies under the intent of the LMDC.

But Geller and her Bigot Brigade are raging out of control again, because in their universe it’s obvious that none of that money was ever intended to get into the hands of Muslims. In other words, you’re looking at pure naked bigotry, unashamed, ignorant, and proud of it.

A footnote: Geller is always claiming that she doesn’t hate Muslims, she’s not a bigot, etc., all while spewing the most disgusting slurs, insults and hate speech. For example, this post: BLIND GIRL SAVES FOR THREE YEARS TO BUY A GUIDE HORSE BECAUSE HER STRICT MUSLIM PARENTS CONSIDER DOGS UNCLEAN.

You can tell how much sympathy Geller has for this blind Muslim woman by her comment:

Why not a goat? Isn’t that cheaper? (/sarc)

Hurr hurr.

UPDATE at 11/23/10 6:55:20 pm:

Some facts about the plans for Cordoba House:

The majority of the center will be open to the general public and its proponents have said the center will promote interfaith dialogue. It will contain a Muslim prayer space that has controversially[7][8] been referred to as the “Ground Zero mosque”. It would replace an existing 1850s Italianate-style building that was being used as a Burlington Coat Factory before it was damaged in the September 11, 2001 attacks. The proposed multi-faith aspects of the design include a 500-seat auditorium, theater, a performing arts center, a fitness center, a swimming pool, a basketball court, a childcare area, a bookstore, a culinary school, an art studio, a food court, and a memorial to the victims of the September 11 attacks. The prayer space for the Muslim community will accommodate 1,000–2,000 people.

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    • Mendacity Exposed

      Moon-god Myth-maker Morey as seen by his fellow Christians (from the “Pakistan Christian Post”)

      “Robert A. Morey, treacherous thief, malicious person, third rate scholar, self appointed bishop, who is misleading the Christians and Pakistani Christians living in North America and with his spite, malice he has corrupted the Christianity. There is no doubt in my mind that Robert Morey is an Insane Monster misleading the Christians of North America. He claims to be a scholar and authority on Islam yet al he does or has done so far is nothing different that an “illiterate Mullah” of a remote village of Pakistan. He is a “fame hungry” person and will do any thing that could bring his name to lime light.”

    • Awesome

      @Halal Pork

      Jesus Christ is a Muslim, and his religion is Islam.

    • laila

      Mosizzle Says “Seems to me like its a still from a video. If your worried about your screen cracking due to her face, wait till you hear her voice, your speakers will commit suicide”

      lol thanks 4 da warning.

    • Mr Pork, I am appalled by both Saudi and the Taliban and condemn their actions, much as every Muslim I know is appalled by them. To try and compare 1.57billion Muslims to a handful of extremists is stupid and dumb. Not only is Saudi one nation, many of it’s own citizens disagree with it’s government policies. As for the Taliban, they are but a handful of people who are hated by all I can see. No, they do not represent Islam in any way, name, shape or form. I challenge you to show me how they do, you can add it to my list of challenges to you that you have failed to accomplish. Once again, I expect you will fail.

      As for Afghanistan, it is in a mess due to meddling, first by the British, then the Soviets and now the US. It was once a very stable area, not so know due to outside influence and colonialism. Islam cannot be blamed for that.


    • @ Jack Cope :As a Muslim,I am commanded to take all knowledge without prejudice.Are you telling the whole truth?Are you a better Muslim than the Muslims from Saudi Arabia where 1400 years ago,Islam was forged.Try to take a copy of the Holy Bible into that country?It would be binned in front of your very eyes.Do you know what was done to the ancient Budha statues in Afghanistan by the Taliban?Do you not consider them to be Muslims?They in fact represent the true face of Islam.Afghanistan was once a Buddist country and you can see what state it is in today.Islam is a curse for humanity,Mr.Cope.

    • Sam Seed, I myself would rather correct false information or plain lies than leave them standing for some unknowing passer-by to believe them.

      A further benefit of responding is demonstrating where your average islamophobe stands in terms of intellect, and that such people are no match to anyone of us.

    • Sam Seed

      Please fellow loonwatchers ignore the pig that you may prosper. Is there really a need to respond to someone with the mental capacity of said animal. Please take note.

    • The irony is lost on you is it Mr Pork…

      As for the Book burning, debatable, the aforementioned library had been burned many many times before and what was left when Umar got there was probably not much, it certainly wasn’t the biggest. Your statement shows a lot of ignorance, one of the most blinding is the fact that the Muslim library in Baghdad *was* the biggest in the world. As for finding knowledge that contradicts the Qu’ran, pray share with us this ‘knowledge’ because, as a Muslim, I am commanded to take all knowledge without prejudice. The only enemy to knowledge are people like you who enforce ignorance on themselves and upon others, using it as a weapon. Ignorance is fine and understandable, we are *all* ignorant of some things, but enforced ignorance is inexcusable.

    • @ Sphinx:Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim and Muslimah as per Mohammad.You should have qualified that statement that as long as it did not cotradict the Quran.That is what happened in Egypt where you come from,when Umar burnt all the books in Alexandria library-the biggest in the world at that time,which did not agree with the Quran.Book burning is a hobby with Muslims.

    • Porkchops:

      “Knowledge is the worst enemy of ISLAM.”

      Prophet Mohammed (PBUH):

      “Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim and Muslimah”

    • Porky rambling about lunacy and ignorance. Irony of the highest order.

      Oh and no bacon post without a fact-based trashing:


      “LUNATIC.It is derived from the word LUNAR which means MOON and the Mad people were affected by the appearance of MOON”


      “The word lunatic is borrowed from the Latin “lunacus”, in turns stemming from “luna” (moon), which denotes the traditional link made in folklore between madness and the phases of the moon. This probably refers to the symptoms of cyclic mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, the symptoms of which may also go through phases. As yet there is no evidence whatsoever for any causal link between phases of the moon and the progression of mood disorder symptoms. Correlation has been observed in distant parts.”

    • The only word which can describe Muslims is :LUNATIC.It is derived from the word LUNAR which means MOON and the Mad people were affected by the appearance of MOON.No wonder you have MOON on evey Mosque which signifies where the Lunatics gather five times a day.The Muslims worship the pagan moon god and the STAR in front signifies MOHANNAD.The star of ISLAM.Ignorance,thy name is Islam.Knowledge is the worst enemy of ISLAM.

    • Don’t get too worried folks, just file Pammy under Future Darwin Award Winners. No one can drive while blogging/texting/podcasting/etc. that much & make it much longer. And that’s just the stuff I’m mentioning. Just have the fun. And cherish the screen captures (ALWAYS KEEP THE SCREEN CAPS!!!).

      Speaking of, I think I snagged that pic there from a vid she did, or did everyone just do that? Do it to Spencer though, throws him into a manic rage. A hilarious manic rage;)

    • Never fear folks, just file Pammy under Future Darwin Award Winners. No one can drive while blogging/texting/podcasting/etc. that much & make it much longer. And that’s just the stuff I’m mentioning. Just have the fun. And cherish the screen captures (ALWAYS KEEP THE SCREEN CAPS!!!).

      Speaking of, I think I snagged that pic there from a vid she did, or did everyone just do that? Do it to Spencer though, throws him into a manic rage. A hilarious manic rage;)

    • Mosizzle

      “I’m afraid ad-hominem attacks are the only way to deal with such garbage.”

      Sourin Mahbub, I still think we should abstain from attacking her weird looks and funny voice because then Islamophobes will accuse us of “ad hominem”. By the way, your description of her as “a grotesque specimen of a failed abortion” was epic.

    • Cynic

      Actually Abdullah, you can’t formally learn about the ‘truth’ of how evil Islam really is…because all of the Universities have been infiltrated and thoroughly dhimmified.

    • Sourin Mahbub

      Pamela Geller’s lunacy may have been overlooked if she was even slightly easy on the eyes. Unfortunately not only is she a vile, despicable woman on the inside, but she is also one grotesque specimen of a failed abortion.

      Now without giving any of her arguments even a sliver of consideration, all I can say to myself is “damn, that is one ugly broad.” Even with all the upgrades to her appearance she is one seriously vomit-inducing primate.

      I’m afraid ad-hominem attacks are the only way to deal with such garbage.

    • thisguy.

      totally unrelated; but evidently she posted a thread in defense of Lt. Michael Behenna, who got 25 years for the murder of an Iraqi, I posted a comment as I was at the same camp with the Law Enforcement element there; and because I strayed away from their party line, and included some facts that they happend to leave out, that made no doubt it was a pre-meditated murder-they hit me with “delete comment”…you know every so often I need to hop on one of their threads thinking well maybe they for once will listen to reason….guess not:)

    • Mosizzle

      I think it’s fair to say that HalalPork got ‘owned’ by the Prophet, peace be upon him.

    • Abdullah

      Why do you have to bring in people’s mothers into the conversation and dishonour them?

      “Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr: Allah’s Apostle said. “It is one of the greatest sins that a man should curse his parents.” It was asked (by the people), “O Allah’s Apostle! How does a man curse his parents?” The Prophet said, “‘The man abuses the father of another man and the latter abuses the father of the former and abuses his mother.”

      Oh snap, such violent and terrorist speech from the founder of Islam. It’s clear that all he preached was violence and intolerance

      As for Ms. Geller. I find it sort of silly that apparently anyone can read a copy of a Quran with a really crappy ‘tafsir’ over the weekend and call themselves an ‘expert’. I can honestly say that I have more credentials than most of these people in terms of knowledge. Especially when they have little to no formal Arabic training.

      To give an example: students studying the Aeneid have to take Latin. They may have a translation with them to clarify things, but they HAVE to take Latin. They have 3 semesters of Latin, and then they begin to delve into it. Then they read the Aeneid, and the copies I’ve read have extensive footnotes to explain phrases, places, and people. And then there are other footnotes explaining the environment in which Virgil wrote the Aeneid, the culture of Romans, etc. If I just read the Aeneid’s translation and go into Princeton stating “I read the Aeneid and I am now an expert. Give me a job in your Classic’s Department” they’ll laugh you out. But for some reason, when it comes to Islam, you don’t need much. Biblical scholars aren’t “experts” because they read the Bible, they’ve taken history courses, theology courses, read papers and essays by numerous other theologans (Aquinas, et. al) and have (from my experience) a cursory knowledge of Semitic languages.

      If Islam is so violent, why don’t you study it thoroughly with teachers at an accredited institute so you can learn how evil it really is? Learning more about it from learned scholars shouldn’t change your opinion if it is so evil. Or does that studying get in the way of “make the quick buck, and then fade away”?

    • Mosizzle

      “@ Cynic :You talk about Pamel Geller{Whoah Mosizzle,Stroking her dog in what way?}Let me politely answer you.The same way as your MOTHER stroked her DOG when she conceived you!!!Would you like me to elaborate more for other people ?”

      HalalPork, so you admit she had sexual intercourse with that dog…

      I wasn’t even implying anything sexual, just that she was stroking a dog in the evil woman kinda way or the crazy cat lady from The Simpsons, but thanks for clearing that up, HalalPork.

    • Cynic

      Great gradeschool comeback there Halal Pork, to something that doesn’t even concern you. Touchy much? But seriously, I don’t know how I’ll ever recover from that. Well, at least you confirmed my suspicions lmfao!

    • @ Cynic :You talk about Pamel Geller{Whoah Mosizzle,Stroking her dog in what way?}Let me politely answer you.The same way as your MOTHER stroked her DOG when she conceived you!!!Would you like me to elaborate more for other people ?

  • Cynic

    Whoah Mossizle, stroking her dog in what way

Joyce Kaufman: Islamophobe Inspires Follower to Violence

Islamophobes like to distance themselves from the actions of those they influence, but this story is a chilling reminder of the fall out of bigotry.

Woman Arrested for Threatening School Violence: FBI

The FBI’s Domestic Terrorism Group in Miami arrested a Florida woman Tuesday in connection with the November 10 violent email threat that lead to a massive lockdown of all Broward County schools for much of a day.

The US Attorney’s Criminal Complaint suggests the woman, Elissa Martinez, was inspired by Tea Party radio talk show host Joyce Kaufman of Fort Lauderdale and conservative GOP leader Sarah Palin.

In the complaint, the FBI says it traced the e-mail, sent to Kaufman vowing to use violence against schools and government buildings in Broward County to “make headlines” and “teach all the government hacks working there what the 2nd amendment is all about,” from Martinez’ computer at her home in New Port Richey, Florida. The FBI also traced a subsequent phone call to Kaufman’s radio station from Martinez’ cell phone.

Kaufman has told political rallies previously that “if ballots don’t work, bullets will,” and that individual citizens should become armed militias. The video clip of her rant has been broadcast widely. Kaufman claims her words were misrepresented, and that she was only trying to inspire people to vote.

But, the FBI says the e-mail, only portions of which have been released until now, began “dear ms. kaufman, i was so thrilled to see you speak in person for congressman elect west. i was especially exited to hear you encourage us to exercise our second amendment gun rights. i felt your plan to organize people with guns in the hills of Kentucky and else where was a great idea. i know that you know one election is not enough to take our country back from the illegal aliens, jews, muslims, and illuminati who are running the show. i am so glad you support people who think like me. I’m planning something big around a government building here in Broward County, maybe a post office, maybe even a school, i’m going to walk in and teach all the government hacks working there what the 2nd amendment is all about. Can I count on your help?”

The day before the incident, Kaufman was hired by newly-elected Congressman Allen West as Chief of Staff. Kaufman and West parted ways immediately after the incident.

The threatening e-mail also quoted Sarah Palin’s often used line, “what does Sarah say, don’t retreat, reload! Let’s make headlines girl!”

After the e-mail was received by Kaufman, her radio station got a call from a woman claiming her husband was going to shoot up a school in Plantation, Florida. The woman asked the station to air a plea to stop him. Police were called and school officials eventually locked down the entire school district, affecting tens of thousands of school kids and their anxious parents.

The Criminal Complaint says the FBI and other law enforcement went to Martinez’ home in New Port Richey and questioned her outside her home. She refused to let authorities into her home or to see her computer. She told them she knew nothing about the threats. She conceded she owned a cell phone with the number in question, but that she had left it in a restroom during the time in question while she was at a New Port Richey café called Starz.

Martinez was not taken into custody at that point and, somehow, managed to leave her home without police noticing. The FBI reviewed security camera video at the Starz Café and did not see Martinez during the crucial time frame.

Martinez, 48, was arrested Tuesday in Los Angeles. She may also own a home in Santa Monica, CA.

The e-mail also said near the end “we’ll end this year of 2010 in a blaze of glory for sure. thanks for your support mrs kaufman.”

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    • Sir David ( Illuminati membership number 5:32) Warning Contains Irony

      Nice one cynic my thoughts exactly Thank goodness for european gun laws. I have never had a gun but then the loons cannot get them either

    • Cynic

      Cheryl/Miss Manners anyone?

    • HGG

      “illegal aliens, jews, muslims, and illuminati”

      I see she’s an all around bigot who doesn’t doesn’t limit her hatred to a particular race or ethnicity. And she has enough hate left for fictional organizations.

    • Nur Alia

      Of course…She threatened Jews.

      Got to jump on that.

    • Robaby1984

      “dear ms. kaufman, i was so thrilled to see you speak in person for congressman elect west. i was especially exited to hear you encourage us to exercise our second amendment gun rights. i felt your plan to organize people with guns in the hills of Kentucky and else where was a great idea. i know that you know one election is not enough to take our country back from the illegal aliens, jews, muslims, and illuminati who are running the show…”

      Doesn’t that martinez women know that Kaufman is a jew?

    • Justin

      Direct evidence that violent rhetoric from talk-show hosts and celebrity politicians leads to real violence.

    • NassirH

      Like all Islamophobes, this woman is a tremendous failure when it comes to comprehending the Constitution.

    • mindy1

      The second amendment was not supposed to be used for random violence, what is wrong with this woman

Dennis Prager at War with Muslims

Dennis Prager is at war with leftists, secularists, labor unions, civil rights organizations, Big Government, academics, atheists, Europeans, internationalists, “moral relativists” — and Muslims. Nothing personal, it’s just his worldview — that and the fact that not one Muslim in the entire world is a moderate:

There are a billion Muslims in the world. How is it possible that essentially none have demonstrated against evils perpetrated by Muslims in the name of Islam? This is true even of the millions of Muslims living in free Western societies. What are non-Muslims of goodwill supposed to conclude?

Long before it was fashionable to burn Qu’rans, Prager, a Republican convert, began trash-talking them:

In 2006 he wrote that “America, not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on,” in taking great offense that the first Muslim elected to Congress had decided to take his oath of office on a Qu’ran and not on a Christian bible. The ADL noted the bigotry of Prager’s remarks and conservative talk show host Tucker Carlson pointed out the irony that “here we have a Jew pushing a Muslim to use the Christian Bible.”

In Moment Magazine, which features articles of contemporary Jewish interest, Prager awkwardly (and self-contradictorily) defended his views, even after it was pointed out that many politicians had sworn their oath of office on books other than the bible or on none at all:

America has no state religion, nor should it ever be allowed to have one. But it has always been a Judeo-Christian country. Jews—and America itself—will suffer if we cease to be one. Just ask the Jews of secular Europe how their secular societies treat them and Israel. For that matter, just think about how our secular universities have become anti-Israel hate centers.

On the one hand Prager says America should be secular. But on the other hand he says it should privilege Jews and Christians. This is vintage Prager — a new believer in Kulturkampf between Islam and the West.

Despite his own advanced case, Prager denies that Islamophobia actually exists. As the co-author of a book on anti-Semitism himself, Prager should know better, but he wrote:

The fact remains that the term “Islamophobia” has one purpose — to suppress any criticism, legitimate or not, of Islam. And given the cowardice of the Western media, and the collusion of the left in banning any such criticism (while piling it on Christianity and Christians), it is working.

When it comes to anti-Semitism, however, Prager rejects identical arguments and in fact argues that Zionism is part of Judaism — so any criticism of Israel or Jewry amounts to the same thing:

Among the many lies that permeate the modern world, none is greater — or easier to refute — than the claim that Zionism is not an integral part of Judaism or the claim that anti-Zionism is unrelated to anti-Semitism.

Thus, anyone who challenges Zionism — for example, Palestinians who are in conflict with Israel or the legions of academics, NGOs, international organizations, or human rights groups, even many Jews — is by definition an anti-Semite.

The Middle East conflict? Bah! That’s just anti-Semitism he writes in a piece, “The Middle East conflict is hard to solve but easy to explain:”

Those who deny this and ascribe the conflict to other reasons, such as “Israeli occupation,” “Jewish settlements,” a “cycle of violence,” “the Zionist lobby” and the like, do so despite the fact that Israel’s enemies regularly announce the reason for the conflict. The Iranian regime, Hizbollah, Hamas and the Palestinians — in their public opinion polls, in their anti-Semitic school curricula and media, in their election of Hamas, in their support for terror against Israeli civilians in pre-1967 borders — as well as their Muslim supporters around the world, all want the Jewish state annihilated.

Thus Prager completely dismisses any geopolitical causes or “trivial issues” like land theft or ethnic cleansing. No, there is just one reason for all this hostility and it can only be Islam. And it’s clear that Prager is not just talking about a few fanatical winguts when he lumps all of the world’s Muslims into this denunciation, in an article entitled “The Islamic threat is greater than German and Soviet threats were:”

A far larger number of people believe in Islamic authoritarianism than ever believed in Marxism. Virtually no one living in Marxist countries believed in Marxism or communism. Likewise, far fewer people believed in Nazism, an ideology confined largely to one country for less than one generation. This is one enormous difference between the radical Islamic threat to our civilization and the two previous ones. But there is yet a second difference that is at least as significant and at least as frightening: Nazis and Communists wanted to live and feared death; Islamic authoritarians love death and loathe life.

But in fact, for Prager, who participated in one of David Horowitz’s “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” events, “Islam is identical to “Islamofascism:

So once one acknowledges the obvious, that there is fascistic behavior among a core of Muslims — specifically, a cult of violence and the wanton use of physical force to impose an ideology on others — the term “Islamo-Fascism” is entirely appropriate.

Dennis Prager’s attitudes toward Muslims are echoed in his views on immigrants in America. A Tea Party supporter, Prager supports Arizona Law SB1070 and believes in American Exceptionalism or Judeo-Christian Dominionism. In this clip at a Tea Party event in Colorado, sitting next to Sarah Palin, Prager describes his revulsion for internationalism and European morality, praising something rather like an American version of Zionism. His is a world view common to the Tea Party, Likudniks, and neoconservatives.

As for Islamophobia — it’s just one of Prager’s many hobbies — but integral to this worldview.

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    • AirForce101HD

      Can’t forgets such Prager Univeristy classics as “Carbon Dioxide is harmless”

    • Neotropic

      Thank you Gefilte for a much needed rational analysis of Dennis Prager and his biased, fear-mongering propaganda. Far too many otherwise seemingly rational Jews have supported his unbalanced and falsehood-riddled philosophy. His “Prager University” isn’t a university at all. It’s simply a vehicle to spread his own twisted version of the right-wing agenda. Makes sense that he’d be pals with Sarah Palin.

    • JD



    • Garo

      Beautiful Muslim Doll,

      My knowledge about integrityonline is limited. Hence,I feel unconfortable answering a question about something I do not know much about. Sorry for that.

      However,I can provide you with the following information as sent to me by integrityonline via Google and perhaps you would be able to take it from there to find out more about integrityonline. I just have no time to pursue the matter any further. The following is the exact text I received:

      Quote =====

      IntegrityOnLine 1.800.INTEGRITY ————————————————————————–


      The requested document will not be shown

      Reason Found in Denied List

      If you feel that the site you requested should not be blocked,please click “REQUEST SITE REVIEW” To fill out a Site Rview request

      We will respond to you via email

      Thanks for being part of our Safe Internet

      Unquote ========

      Beautiful Muslim Doll,

      The last statement in the above quote,specifically,”Thanks for being part of our Safe Internet family” reminds me that two years ago I was bombarded by unwanted and uncalled for pornography. As a result,I contacted my servicer and demanded to block it since my nine year old grandchild uses my computer once in a while and I did not want him to see what I was bombarded with. My servicer did what I had requested. Since then I have not seen a single pornography on my computer screen. Perhaps,just perhaps,the reason integrityonline has not allowed me to make comments on the article about the Spanish Priest has to do with my request made to my servicer two years ago. I do not know for sure.

      I hope that all of the above may be helpful in answering your question: “What is Integrity On Line?”

    • Beautiful Muslim Doll

      What is this,


      “I have just finished trying to post the following comments on the articles about the Spanish Priest etc,but my attempts were blocked by Integrity On Line.And ”

      What is Integrity On Line?

      and rob


      I don’t know why you’re leaving your droppings and nonsensical rantings and one line “tinkles”. Your garbage in the Spanish Priest threads was bad enough, and now you’re here

      If you have nothing of value to offer, go away. This is not a place for juvenile pea brains to show their spectacular inability to debate in a rational manner.

    • rob


Allen West Defends Selection of Joyce Kaufman

The political insane asylum in this country just gets larger and larger.

Allen West Defends Joyce Kaufman (Via Huffington Post)

Tea Party-backed Congressman-elect Allen West (R-Fla.) broke his silence over a controversial chief of staff pick this weekend, aggressively defending his selection of radio show host Joyce Kaufman despite the fact that the decision failed to come to fruition.

Here’s CNN’s report on their discussion with West:

“I was not hiring a talk radio host; I was hiring a very brilliant political mind, someone that has been in South Florida politics for 20 plus years. But unfortunately the liberal left showed that I guess they are threatened and intimidated by me, and so they went into the attack dog mode, which is something that they did the entire time in our campaign,” West told CNN Sunday in an interview at a downtown hotel where incoming freshmen were gathering for orientation.

Reports by the “attack dog” media turned upnumerous incidents in which Kaufman had spoken with incendiary rhetoric against illegal immigrants and Muslims. Soon after the reports, she turned down West’s chief of staff offer.

According to one such glance back at her past of public speaking, Kaufman reportedly said: “If you commit a crime while you’re here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it.”

Oddly enough, West seemed to contend that the examination of Kaufman’s past of extreme speech was a sign that liberals had “issues with racism” against him.

“I think the American people are sick of, and that despicable, disgusting action and the way that they went after Joyce Kaufman shows that not only this liberal left has some issues with racism,” West told CNN. “I guarantee you, if I was a black Democratic Congressman-elect, they would not be doing these type of actions, and the fact that they’re attacking a woman like this, that shows me something about sexism and misogynist behavior.”

Kaufman reportedly addressed the incident herself over the weekend, as well. This from theBroward Palm Beach New Times.

“This is not about me,” she said of the threats. “This is the first attack on this man [Allen West].” She called the incident, “an attempt to try to make us look bad,” adding, “We didn’t fall into the trap!” She said she is remembering the individuals who have “demonized” her in the last few days, the columnists, the bloggers, and that she will call them out by name soon. She said she’s already received an offer to write a book about her ordeal.

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    • It’s rather amazing to see the West/Kaufman propaganda play out. Kaufman advocates lynching people en mass and when criticized for it claims that the verbal disagreements constitute a form of lynching against her. West takes an issue where there’s zero aspect of race and “plays the race card.”

      West is right about one point. If he were a liberal Democrat he would not be criticized for picking Kaufman … because as a liberal Democrat he would never have picked her.

    • Mosizzle

      I was talking to Eternel.

    • Mosizzle

      He wasn’t called a monkey for being black but for his loony views. Therefore, you must be racist to assume that “monkey” must mean “black person”.

    • Khushboo

      calling a black man “monkey” is racist people. Be careful!

    • Eternel

      “This will be a hilarious couple of years with this paranoid monkey” A black man disliking islam is a monkey but a black muslim man is a brother, isn’t he ?

  • I know Justin, but it’s best not to leave them unchallenged so they can’t run to their little friends and ‘prove’ how right they are

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