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Ana Kasparian Calls Robert Spencer a Loser and a Sad Sack of …

The whole All-American Muslim controversy had the upside of giving birth to this video by The Young Turks.  Ana Kasparian basically calls JihadWatch’s Robert Spencer a loser and a sad sack of …

Cenk Uygur calls Robert Spencer a “clown-o-ramo” and his site to be “full of morons.” Ana Kasparian delivers the elbow from the sky when she asks: “How depressing is it that you dedicate any time at all to creating a website called JihadWatch?”

Ana, believe it or not but this portly man named Robert Spencer has dedicated his entire life to blogging about jihad.  This grown man is nearing the age of 50 and this is how he not only spends his time but it’s his career.

Whenever I visit Neo-Nazi websites like Stormfront (which I do from time to time in order to marvel at the sheer insanity found there), I cannot help but marvel at how these people are obsessing over how much they hate “the blacks”.  Don’t these grown men have anything else to worry about?  Families, mortgages, actual careers?  What could be sadder than a group of old white men meeting in uniform to talk about how much they love Hitler?

It’s the same hate and level of obsession on JihadWatch.  Robert Spencer is their Grand Wizard, and they are all absolute, 100% total losers.  Their unhealthy level of obsessional hatred scares away friends and makes it impossible for them to ever get dates from normal women.  So, most of them hide this hatred in real life and just spend hours trolling the net in their basement.

As for Robert Spencer, one has to wonder what set him off: maybe some Muslim girl broke his heart long time ago by getting with some Muslim dude.  Now, Spencer is getting his revenge out on all Muslims.

That’s very similar to the founder of the Florida Family Association, the man behind the whole All-American Muslim controversy: his reason for dedicating his whole life to hatred has something to do with how he hates himself for being a frustrated porn addict:

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    • “Most wingnuts cry about the Armenian Genocide while denying the Bosnian Genocide. How do you explain that?”

      The same way you explain tides going in and tides going out… You just can’t.

    • “Most wingnuts cry about the Armenian Genocide while denying the Bosnian Genocide. How do you explain that?”

      The same you can explain tides going in and tides going out. You just can’t.

    • deccal

      HA. Ignorance abounds.

      As a matter of fact, most Arabs do recognize the Armenian Genocide. My characterization of Kasparian as a ‘race traitor’ isn’t wrong, as she works with the same person who denies the genocide of her people. As for the young turks, I never mentioned that they didn’t support secularism. In fact, I didn’t mention Islam at all, but is a reflexive habit of you loons to go all wishy washy and protective in case of “islamophobia”, is it not?

    • Believing Atheist


      Well I can’t speak for wingnuts but I assure you that I am not a wingnut. I am a liberal/progressive and I do believe that the Bosnian Genocide took place.

      I have said many times on Loonwatch that I am proud of the fact that the U.S. intervened in Bosnia to stop the genocide. (I believe I repeated this in my defense of Christopher Hitchens, which you can go see, it’s in the latest article Loonwatch published on Hitchens).

    • “So Cenk is no better than a Holocaust denier.”

      Most wingnuts cry about the Armenian Genocide while denying the Bosnian Genocide. How do you explain that?

    • SKhan

      “deccal Says: December 23rd, 2011 at 5:07 pm Funny how they call themselves the “Young Turks”, after the group which committed the Armenian Genocide. And shame on that race traitor Kasparian!”

      Oh my god. I think you may be on to something. And I don’t think it’s just your anti-Muslim bias manifesting itself, this time. Maybe you are right: there must be some sort of evil hidden meaning to TYT choosing “Young Turks” as their name. Of course, it can’t be because they support secularism, just like the Young Turk Movement did, no only a rational person would think that. Maybe being a news show is just a front for another genocide of some sort…yes, that’s obviously very plausible. I guess Dawkins, Dennet, Hitchens, and Harris calling themselves the Four Horsemen must then somehow link themselves to the…

      Race traitor in deed. The use of such a term indicates that you dabble in the same sort of racial pseudoscience that Don Black and David Duke do.

    • Senor

      Of course Muslims are remaining peaceful. They have been for a long time. The problem is the other side likes to use wars to kill them, especially in the name of national security.

    • TheBig_T


    • Oh can I be a race traitor too? I do love my Malaysian wife to be…


    • Awesome

      And shame on that race traitor Kasparian!

      – Only a racist believes in something as nonsensical as a “race-traitor”, and consequently “deccal”, with that comment, has just exposed himself as just that; a racist bigot.

    • deccal

      Funny how they call themselves the “Young Turks”, after the group which committed the Armenian Genocide. And shame on that race traitor Kasparian!

    • Farlowe

      “What could be sadder than a group of old white men meeting in uniform to talk about how much they love Hitler?”

      LOL….what about a group of people who meet in uniform to pledge their submission to an imaginary entity whom no one has seen or spoken to?

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