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Join LoonWatch’s IndieGoGo Campaign to Combat Islamophobia!

Hello, LoonWatchers!

We’re very excited to announce the launch of our IndieGoGo campaign:

IndieGoGo, like Kickstarter, is a website that allows for crowdfunding.  This is a very effective means of harnessing the power of social media to raise funding.  Our campaign will last only forty days, so contribute now before it’s too late.  All you need is a credit card.  Payments through IndieGoGo are safe and reliable.

In exchange, I’ll send you an advanced copy of my upcoming book, The J Word: Jihad, Between Hype and Reality.

The Islamophobes are heavily funded, allowing them to maintain a robust presence online, operating highly professional websites and media organizations.  We’ve been able to stand toe to toe with them well enough, but we need funding to take LoonWatch to the next level.

Our avid readers and fans like you will need to be at the forefront of our IndieGoGo campaign.  We’ve counted on your support and blessing for many years.  Will you stand with us now?  Click here to go to our IndieGoGo page for more details.  Remember: CONTRIBUTE to our campaign and SPREAD our IndieGoGo link (short link:  far and wide.

Be a part of something historic and truly momentous: the first ever crowdfunding campaign to combat Islamophobia.

Thank you.

-Danios of LoonWatch.

Contact: danios [ at ]

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    • Jekyll

      I look forward to reading your book in particular.

    • WaqasZ

      That’s what I did, so Yes.

    • Seeker

      Does it only allow contributions through Credit Card?

    • WaqasZ

      This seems to be a worthy and much needed effort. Kudos to all those who are working on it. I have donated (which is the least us wealthy Norwegians can do) and am anxiously waiting for Danios’s book. Good luck with it all!

    • Ahmed Ali Shah

      Also, best of luck with your book, and do let me know what you think of this series. It hasn’t been put together by a muslim by the way.

    • GaribaldiOfLoonwatch

      Is there a link?

    • Ahmed Ali Shah

      Danios, I tried sending this link to you through the contact and send us a tip forms, but I can’t for some reason. I definitely think you should watch this.

    • Mehdi

      Done, good luck

    • Danios_of_LoonWatch

      Thank you!

    • Danios_of_LoonWatch

      Thank you, Benjamin!

    • Danios_of_LoonWatch

      Thank you, Jon!

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