Hi, my name is Steven Danios (a.k.a. Danios of LoonWatch). I recently launched an IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for the completion, publication, and promotion of my upcoming book, The J Word: Jihad, Between Hype and Reality.
Actual book design may vary.
The book focuses on refuting the fundamental premise of Islamophobia–that Islam is somehow the most violent religion on earth. Sadly, more white Americans than not believe this to be true, which is why it’s extremely important that a book of this type is written.
Robert Spencer is the director of JihadWatch.org, arguably the most well-known anti-Muslim hate site on the internet. Spencer authored a book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades). The ideas contained in this book are important to refute not just because they constitute Spencer’s attack on Islam, but because these ideas are universally shared by Islamophobes in general. Spencer’s book can be considered a collection of anti-Muslim myths that the Islamophobes rely on. Refuting Spencer’s book is therefore refuting all of Islamophobia.
The groundwork for this book is already done: I’ve written several articles on this topic, including the Understanding Jihad Series, which will give the reader an idea of what my book is all about:
Articles by Danios on Islam and Terrorism
All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 94% that Aren’t: According to the official FBI database from 1980 to 2005, Muslim extremists were responsible for only six percent of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.
Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren’t: According to Europol’s annual study of terrorism, Muslim extremists were responsible for less than 1% of terrorist attacks in Europe.
Updated Europol Data: Less Than 1% of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims
RAND Report: Threat of homegrown jihadism exaggerated, Zero civilians killed in U.S. since 9/11: Published in 2010, this article revealed that almost a decade after the 9/11 attacks, not a single civilian in the U.S. was killed by Muslim extremists. So, why the alarmism?
Europol Reports Zero Deaths from Islamic Terrorism in Europe
Annual Report: Zero Civilians in U.S. Killed by Islamic Terrorism… Just Like Every Year Since 9/11
New York Times Article Understates How Overstated Islamic Terrorism Threat Really Is
Gallup Poll: Jews and Christians Way More Likely than Muslims to Justify Killing Civilians
The Greater Islamophobia: Bombing, Invading, and Occupying Muslim Lands: Parts I, II, and III (unpublished)
Eye-Opening Graphic: Map of Muslim Countries that the U.S. and Israel Have Bombed
“We’re at War!” — And We Have Been Since 1776: 214 Years of American War-Making
It’s Only Terrorism When Muslims Do It
Most Victims of Islamic Terrorism are Muslims… And Why America is to Blame For It
The Understanding Jihad Series
The Understanding Jihad Series: Introduction
Part 1: Warrior Prophet: Moses or Muhammad?
Part 2: Who was the Most Violent Prophet in History? (Hint: It wasn’t Muhammad.)
Part 3: The Suicide Bomber Prophet
Part 4: What the Koran-bashers Don’t Want You to Know about the Bible
Part 5: Jesus Loves His Enemies…And Then Kills Them All
Part 6: The Bible’s Prescriptive, Open-Ended, and Universal Commandments to Wage Holy War and Enslave Infidels: Parts I, II, III, and IV
Part 7: Majority of Americans Believe the Bible is Literally True and the Word of God
Part 8: The “But That’s Just the Old Testament!” Cop-Out: Parts I and II
Part 9: My God is Better than Yours: Refuting the Moon God Theory: Parts I, II, III, IV-a, IV-b, IV-c, IV-d, and V
The Bible’s Yahweh, a War-God?: Called “Lord of Armies” Over 280 Times in the Bible and “Lord of Peace” Just Once: Parts I and II
Allah as the Best of Deceivers?
Part 10: Does Jewish Law Justify Killing Civilians? (Disclaimer: Why Religious Zionism, Not Judaism, Is The Problem)
#1 Civilians are Really Combatants
#2 Collective Punishment is Kosher: Parts I, II, III, and IV
#3 Promoting Ethnic Cleansing: Parts I and II
#4 Terrorism!
One Israeli Soldier Worth More than 1,000 Palestinians
#5 There are No Rules in Times of War (unpublished)
Part 11: What I Bet You Didn’t Know About the Christian Just War Doctrine: Parts I, II, III, and IV (unpublished)
Part 12: Why You Shouldn’t Trust Robert Spencer’s Biography of the Prophet Muhammad
More Proof You Shouldn’t Trust Robert Spencer’s “Scholarship”
When They Almost Killed Muhammad: The Persecution of Islam’s Early Followers
History’s First Jihad: Was it Justified?
Part 13: Warrior Monks: The Untold Story of Buddhist Violence: Parts I and II (unpublished)
Articles by Danios on “Dhimmitude”
The Church’s Doctrine of “Perpetual Servitude” was Worse than “Dhimmitude”: This article is a direct refutation of chapter four of Robert Spencer’s book, entitled “Islam: Religion of Intolerance.” Here, I forever lay to rest the Islamophobic argument of “dhimmitude.”
Robert Spencer is on the Ropes; Spencer’s Bumbling Reply to LoonWatch: This is a rebuttal of Robert Spencer’s reply to my article about “dhimmitude.”
Robert Spencer Dodges Debate with LoonWatch
Robert Spencer Fuming Over LoonWatch, Threatens Danios with 101 Lashes
The Protocols of the Elders of Mecca: The Final Word on the Pact of Umar: This was part two of my series on “dhimmitude.”
Do Muslims Want to Reimpose Dhimmitude or Live as Equals? This article refutes another fundamental conspiracy theory harbored by ardent Islamophobes.
More Proof that Robert Spencer is an Intellectual Huckster: Part I and II
Articles by Danios on Taqiyya
Silencing Spencer: Taqiyya and Kitman are part of Judeo-Christian Belief
Articles by Danios on Women in Islam
Robert Spencer Rapes the Truth, Part 1: Does Sharia Reject the Testimony of a Rape Victim?: This is a rebuttal of chapter five of Robert Spencer’s book. Here, I put to rest another enduring but inaccurate claim about Islam.
Anti-Sex Laws of Islam: Not as Simple as You May Think
Proof that Robert Spencer’s JihadWatch.org Relies on Bogus Translations: Robert Spencer uses bogus translation of Arabic to “prove” that a fatwa claims that it is permissible in Islam to have sex with a prepubescent girl.
Articles by Danios on Sharia
Muslim Americans Must Obey U.S. Laws: Nidal Hasan Disobeyed Islamic Doctrine: This article was written shortly after the Fort Hood Shooting. In it, I prove that Islamophobes are wrong to claim that the shooter was simply “obeying Islamic doctrine” when he shot and killed his fellow soldiers.
Christians Must Obey God’s Law Over the Constitution: Many right-wing Christians claim that American Muslims are trying to overthrow the Constitution with Sharia, yet oftentimes it is these same Christians who place their religious laws over the law of the land.
Articles by Danios about “Why Do They Hate Us?”
Attempted Times Square Bombing: Is it Forbidden to Ask “Why”?: No, they don’t attack us for our freedoms.
Times Square Bombing in Retaliation for U.S. Drone Strikes, No Connection to Islam
U.S. avenges Time Square bombing by killing more Pakistani civilians: Violence is not the proper response to violence.
Why Do They Hate Us? They Don’t.
Articles by Danios on Debating Robert Spencer
Danios of LoonWatch accepts Robert Spencer’s Challenge to a Debate: And Spencer has been running away from a debate ever since.
Internet Sociopath Robert Spencer Scared of Debate
Robert Spencer of JihadWatch Becomes Desperate Against LoonWatch
Why Can’t Robert Spencer Debate Danios of LoonWatch (Again)?
Surprise, Surprise: Robert Spencer of JihadWatch is Weaseling Out of Debate with Danios of LoonWatch
Robert Spencer Runs Away from Debating Danios – Again – in ABN Getaway Car
Miscellaneous Articles by Danios
Witch Hunts: A Muslim Problem Only?: No, Islam is not the only religion with crazies.
Fathima Bary Needs to Read Her Bible; Final Word on Islam and Apostasy
South Park, the “Four Morons” of Revolution Muslim, and CNN’s Epic Fail: This article is about the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, which sparked a worldwide controversy.
Ten Years After 9/11 Attacks, Exploitation of “Patriot Day” Continues
Al Arabiya Poll: Some Arabs Justify 9/11 And Deny Al-Qaeda’s Culpability; I Say: Yeah, So What?: Parts I and II
Iranian Book “How to Eliminate Israel from the Planet” No Different than Israeli Publications
On the Outlandish Claim that there is no Islamophobia
Even OBL Admitted that Homegrown Terrorism is un-Islamic? What the Bin Laden Letters Reveal
Boston Marathon Bombings in Perspective: Is Dzhokhar the Joker All Al-Qaeda Has Left?
Bomber Motivated by Religion?: Media Regurgitates Government Propaganda
Bat Ye’or: Anti-Muslim Loon with a Crazy Conspiracy Theory Named “Eurabia”
Pingback: No, Jesus WASN’T a Pacifist: The Problem with the Muhammad vs. Jesus Comparisons | Spencer Watch()
Pingback: Nee, Jezus was geen pacifist; het probleem van Jezus vs. Mohammed vergelijkingen | KRAPUUL()
Pingback: No, Jesus WASN’T a Pacifist: The Problem with the Muhammad vs. Jesus Comparisons | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper()
Pingback: The Top Five Ways Jewish Law* Justifies Killing Civilians; #5: There Are No Rules in Times of War (I) | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper()
Pingback: The Hamas Smear: How Islamophobes Use Six Degrees of Separation to Smear Muslims | Spencer Watch()
Pingback: When a Jewish Extremist Talks Like a Nazi | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper()
Pingback: Robert Spencer: “I have exactly the same credentials as [Reza] Aslan”; Oh, Really? | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper()
Pingback: The J Word: Jihad, Between Hype and Reality | Islamophobia Today eNewspaper()
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